”If two people love each other, there can be no happy end to it.” Death in the Afternoon by Ernest Hemingway

‘She didn’t want to move to Manchester’, that’s what my mum argued with my Dad about before she left. What she was really saying is ‘I didn’t want to move to Manchester’, after all how could she know if I wanted to move or not? Nobody ever did ask me.
That wasn’t the first time they had argued. They argued back when we lived in Scotland, frequently about Dad’s job and why we had to move. This sounds like a normal thing to argue about, I think, but then they would also argue about the weather and, as the weather is what it is, I guess it wasn’t normal.
Mum said it wasn’t my fault. They always say that it movies and the kids don’t believe it. I think it’s just something you’re supposed to say. I may have not done anything but it’s still me that led to the end of their marriage, I’m that reminder. I cannot change the fact that I will always be that reminder.

oh and I got soaked on my way back from school, Mum used to pick me up if it was as terrential as today was, Mum’s only responsible for me Wednesday to Satuday so as it is a Monday she felt no obligation to do so. I guess that’s all from me,

Violet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         xxx